Våpensmia is an AQAP 2110 Ed D certified company. We are producing optical sights for the 40 mm Automatic Grenade launcher (AGL), .50 cal, M 72 and 7,62 mm GPMG. We are also producing VSM 034 FCU, a programmable unit for Nammo 40 med mer HEDP-RF ammunition.
All Våpensmia sights have ballistic reticules because we belive that a ballistic reticule makes it easier to rapidly change between targets at different distances, compared to a red dot sight where the operator have to set the distance by pushing buttons or turning a cam. The ballistic reticule on our sights are covering the full range of the weapon, and all Våpensmia sight are fully operational with NVG.
The fedback from the operators is that our sights perform well in dusk/dawn conditions, and is user friendly. inimal training required.
Quality certificate
Vapensmia AS has since 1988 met the requirements for quality set by the Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency. Today Vapensmia is audited by AQAP 2110 Ed D. The certificate ensures the quality and the safety that our customers expect regarding all purchases from our company.
Våpensmia reflex sights for 40 mm AGL/GMG
Våpensmia have three different sights for 40 mm. The VSM 028 are developed to give the shooter a bigger field of view, most suited for vehicle and vessel mounted weapons. The VSM 015, and the VSM 015 extended base are also suitable for carry along weapons because of its smaller size. VSM 015 have been in service for the last 30 years. VSM 028 and VSM 015 Extended base in service since 2019.
VSM 028 reticule